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- Haskell & OCaml
- Category Theory
- Programming Language Design
- Compiler Design
- NixOS and I maintain my package dclock in nixpkgs
- Scala documentation project
- Flipper Zero firmware (Console IR code)
- nixpkgs (dclock)
Software I use
I am a big fan of emacs and how extensive we can push its integration into our productivity. I run spacemacs with haskell and ocaml extensions and write my daily tasks in org mode. NixOS is the distro that has felt right for me and I run it as my daily OS. I do have a Slackware thinkpad that sits next to me that I use for certain tasks. VSCode comes into play sometimes, usually when I am investigating certain aspects of OCaml or working on web stuff.Keyboards/Mice I use
- Glove80 black/white keys
- Cantor remix w/ Miroyuki layout
- Corne 5 col
- Sun Microsystems Type 7
- Sun Microsystems Type 5
- Sun Microsystems Crossbow Mouse
You can read my posts on my blog at: hexproof.sh