Password Generator
{- |
Module : PassGen
Description : DoD-compliant password generator
Copyright : (c) 2024 Travis Montoya
License : MIT
This module generates secure passwords that comply with DoD standards,
ensuring minimum length and character type requirements.
You will need: random and random-shuffle
cabal install random random-shuffle
module Main where
import System.Random
import System.Random.Shuffle
import System.Environment (getArgs)
To help with abstraction we create two type synonyms Password, Length.
type Password = String
type Length = Int
According to the DoD standards we need at minimum a 15 character password that includes 1 lowercase, 1 uppercase, 1 numeric and 1 special character.
minPassLen :: Length
= 15 minPassLen
We need at least 1 special character from here when we generate the password. This is cleaner having it outside of our genPassword function as it is a bit long to make it readable.
specialList :: [Char]
= ['.', ',', '~', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*',
specialList '(', ')', '_', '+', '=', '-', '[', ']', '/', '?', '>', '<']
To help abstract our our strategy we will create separate lists for each of the required character sets. The strategy is: Generate 1 numeric, 1 special, 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase (each random) and then have a combined list that we will generate the rest of the password from.
alphaLower :: [Char]
= ['a'..'z'] alphaLower
alphaUpper :: [Char]
= ['A'..'Z'] alphaUpper
numeric :: [Char]
= ['1'..'9'] numeric
This is our full character set that we will randomly pull X amount of digits from where X is password length - 4 (our required items). We utilize shuffle’ to shuffle the fullList once it is all appended together. Its type is RandomGen gen => [a] -> Int -> gen -> [a] so all we have to do is pass in our list, length and a random generator and we will have a randomly shuffled list.
combinedList :: IO [Char]
= let fullList = alphaLower ++ alphaUpper ++ numeric ++ specialList
combinedList = length fullList
len in shuffle' fullList len <$> newStdGen
To generate a password all we have to do is pass in a length > 15 if we pass in a length < 15 then it generates the minPassLen that we have set above.
genPassword :: Length -> IO Password
= do shuffled <- combinedList
genPassword len <- newStdGen gen
We have bound our list combinedList which returned IO [Char] of a shuffled list to shuffled and a new random number generator to gen. Below is where we create the password we take the max of our minimum (default: 15) and whatever value we pass in to our genPassword function.
let len' = max minPassLen len
The required list could use some improvement as using the same generator could reduce randomness, but for the sake of what we are using it for I think we are fine. We shuffle each list and take 1 from it, in this instance we use head to take the first shuffled item from each list.
= [
required head (shuffle' alphaLower (length alphaLower) gen),
head (shuffle' alphaUpper (length alphaUpper) gen),
head (shuffle' numeric (length numeric) gen),
head (shuffle' specialList (length specialList) gen)
Now that we have our 4 required items we create a list called remaining which takes the length of our password - 4 (our required items) and the shuffled list. Then we combine our required set plus our remaning set and shuffle them to return our final password.
= take (len' - 4) shuffled
remaining return $ shuffle' (required ++ remaining) len' gen
main :: IO ()
= do args <- getArgs
main case args of
:_) -> do (len
Attempt to parse the command line argument as a number. If we succeed we will generate a password else we fail.
case reads len of
"")] -> genPassword n >>= putStrLn
[(n, -> putStrLn "Please provide a valid number"
_ -> putStrLn "Please provide a password length" []